Sunday, December 8, 2024

Funny Business

  • When you're down by the sea and an eel bites your knee that's a moray.

  • I think we should stop killing buffaloes for their wings!

  • Don't tell your secrets in the garden. The potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beanstalk.

  • A cat's song: “Mess up the song, you're the piano cat! Walk on the keys today! When the human is playing a melody, it's your job to get in the way!”

  • I'm inspired to get out of bed every day, mostly because of my bladder.

  • Everyone talks about leaving a better planet for our children. Why doesn't anyone try to leave better children for our planet?

  • So after winning the game, I decided to throw the ball into the crowd, just like they do on TV. Apparently, it's unacceptable in bowling.

  • What happens when you eat alphabet soup? You begin to have a vowel movement.

  • Nothing tops a plain pizza!

  • My dog was so happy when I brought a Christmas tree into the house. He sees it as indoor plumbing.

  • My wife said to me: “I think you need a hearing test!” I replied: “Why would I need a hairy chest?”

  • Oh my gosh! If olive oil is made from olives, from what is baby oil made?

  • Do you know why the pony couldn't sing? He was a little horse.

  • I want to lose weight but I don't want to get caught up in one of those “eat right and exercise” scams.

  • I like my candy in mint condition.

  • If you're having second thoughts you are two ahead of most people.

  • What does a chicken with hiccups lay? Scrambled eggs.

  • My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels. “What's on TV?” she asked. I replied: “Dust.” That's when the fight began...

  • Kitchen remodelers are counter-productive.

  • I put a dart board on the ceiling. It made me throw up.

  • No matter how far you push the envelope, it remains stationary.

  • I have learned from my mistakes, so I've decided to make more mistakes so I can learn more.

  • The chicken went to the gym to work on his pecks.

  • Some days I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots. Other days I realize it's not just some days.